
The following organizations are valuable resources for sensory scientists

ACS - Division of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

ACS-AGFD is a division of the American Chemical Society. Its members are interested in food and agriculture, With a technical focus is on food composition and food quality. Technical programs concern food processing, nutrition and biochemistry, food safety, and food flavor.

Association of Chemoreception Sciences

The Association of Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) was created to integrate diverse groups of basic and clinical investigators interested in taste and smell. Research presented at its annual meetings encompasses works from basic, clinical, and applied areas of the chemical senses (taste, smell, flavor and irritation).


The scope of the ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products is the promotion of knowledge, stimulation of research, and the development of principles and standards for the sensory evaluation of materials and products. It currently has jurisdiction of over 30 standards relevant to those in the sensory field and 10 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards.

European Chemoreception Research Organisation

The goal of ECRO is the promotion of research in chemoreception. To achieve this goal, they organize a variety of activities, including annual meetings. It encourages a multi-disciplinary approach to research in chemoreception.

European Sensory Network

The European Sensory Network brings together 26 member organizations acting in 17 European countries, and 4 non-European countries. Its members and partners share their knowledge and expertise to explore the value and applications of sensory sciences in food and non food industrial practices. A focus of ESN activities is on cross-border studies, linking across academia and industrial partners. These collaborations have proven to be very valuable. The well established network of sensory contacts make it easy to plan and perform international studies, and guarantee exceptional research following universal standards.

Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell

The purpose of JASTS is to advance the development of extensive research concerning taste and smell. To this end, they hold scientific meetings, publish quarterly the Japanese Journal of Taste and Smell Research (in Japanese), and participate in international enterprises, in co-operation with AChemS, ECRO and/or other related organizations, to contribute the development of the study of Taste and Smell.

Sensometric Society

The Sensometric Society aims to: (1) increase the awareness of the fact that the field of sensory and consumer science needs it own special methodology and statistical methods, (2) improve the communication and co-operation between persons interested in the scientific principles, methods and applications of sensometrics, (3) act as the interdisciplinary institution, worldwide, to disseminate scientific knowledge on the field of sensometrics.

Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division of the IFT

IFT SCSD is a division of the Institute of Food Technologists. Its members are interested in the discipline used to evoke, measure, analyze, and interpret reactions to the characteristics of food and materials as they are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.

Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior

The Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB) is an organization committed to advancing scientific research on food and fluid intake and its associated biological, psychological and social processes. The Society provides a multidisciplinary environment for the free exchange of ideas and information, and serves as a resource for scientific expertise and education on topics related to the study of ingestive behavior.


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